The Copperhead Snake

The Indianapolis Copperhead snake, scientifically referred to as “Agkistrodon Contortrix”, is a venomous snake found predominantly in North America. The Snake is also referred to as “Diamond snake”, “red snake” or “red oak” . The behaviour of this Indiana snake often leads to accidental encounters with humans.

A typical adult of this Indiana snake can grow up to 95cm in length, while some may exceed 1meter. Male species are normally larger than females, and makes could weigh averagely 198g while females weigh averagely less than 120g. The body of a typical Copperhead can be described as “stout” while the head is usually broader and appear distinct from the neck. The top of the head of this snake extends forward than its mouth. The colour of a typical Indianapolis Copperhead snake may vary from Pale Tan to Pinkish ground colour but this becomes darker towards the foreline. The snake has a pale-brown colour at the center.

Copperhead is widely distributed, however its population is fast declining since early 2007. Foraging for this Indiana snake occurs mostly in warm sunny conditions, and it normally camouflage to capture its preys.

life cycle
mating occurs especially during the spring season and the female Indiana snake has its young ones live and can raise up to 20 or more at once, however, few offspring survive the first few days after birth. The exact lifespan of Copperhead is unknown but experts believe the specie does not live more than 54months. The snake grows quickly and attains full maturity in as little as 12 weeks. An average young Indianapolis Copperhead at birth measures about 20cm and looks lighter in colour even though similar to the adult.

Copperhead is widely distributed in the United States of America, including states such as Alabama, Ohio, Oklahoma, Missouri, New York and North Carolina. This specie of Indiana snake can inhabits diverse types of habitats, but it most resides in deciduous forests as well as mixed woodlands. It can also be found on rock outcroppings, and low swampy areas. The Indianapolis snake hibernates in dens during the cold winter seasons.

90% of Copperhead’s diet are derived from smaller rodents, especially from Indianapolis voles and mice. It also feeds on larger insects and frogs . Though the Indiana specie is regarded terrestrial in nature, it is also capable of climbing trees.

Like most many native species of Indianapolis snakes in North America, the Copperhead likes to avoid humans, however, it will prefer to “Freeze” away instead of slithering away , and as a result, many humans are bitten when they accidentally step on Copperheads. Its camouflaging abilities make it difficult to spot from afar. They can lay on dead leaves, and will only strike when there is a physical contact. Though the Copperhead is a venomous Indiana snake, its bites are rarely fatal.

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